Friday, May 28, 2010

My Dear Husband turned 34

It was my husbands birthday on Monday, while we were on our little get-away. I forgot to take balloons candles and even a card with. Big OOPS!! He didn't seem to mind but when I got back my mom said "that husbands are like little children and like to be made to feel special and celebrated" so we decorated the house (the kids absolutely love doing this) and I went out to buy an ice cream cake. (hmm... wonder how much that cake decorating class is going to be put to use... it just took too much energy and I was just not feeling up to it, and I know he prefers ice cream cake any ways)
yum, yum let's cut this cake (why the picture of a's a big fish because that is what Daddy likes to catch.)
Everyone had to get in on the excitement of blowing out the candles. I absolutely love kids and birthdays. They catch the excitement and happiness, and it really is all those things. Another year, what a blessing, something never to be taken for granted.

34 reasons why I love you so much
1~you strive to serve God in everything you do
2~you are an amazing father to our children
3~you give everything your best
4~you have integrity
5~you love me
6~you are so handy
7~you are helpful
8~you make me laugh
9~you let me cry
10~my heart is calm when you are around (sappy, but I am serious)
11~you pursue hobbies and interests
12~you do acts of service
13~loves the kids
14~spoil me
15~great eyes
16~prepare for our future
17~work hard to support our family
18~family is important
19~always on time
20~not a picky eater..this is such a blessing to me.
21~the house does not have to be super clean for him (it has to be for me though so I guess if it bothered him more he would clean more lol)
22~does need to have everything "just so"
23~keeps his eyes pure
23~keeps my van running (although right now it is soooo over due for an oil change)
24~he sweeps
25~tries to listen and understand
26~fixes things
27~committed to me
28~knows it is hard (very hard some days) to be a mom and understands that
34~I love you because I choose to
Happy Birthday! and as we joke around lately with sore backs or shoulders...we wanted to grow old together and that's what we are doing.


The ears are found, thankfully I don't have to do the bake sale.
Niessa said this morning that she put them in this container in our living room, yes! we searched every nook and cranny and every little pot. She put them in here so Danielle could not get them, and then she forgot. "While she was sleeping she had a bad dream and it fell out of her head and on to her sheets and that is how come she didn't remember." What can you say to a story like that!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lost her EARS!!!

Well, yesterday was one of those out and about days. The girls had ballet in the morning then I was off to do some errands, we needed fresh fruit and milk. So I quickly ran in to get fruit at the fruit and veggie store and ran in to buy milk at the milk store. It's a little more driving and might cost a bit more but is easier then going into the big grocery stores. Home for a quick lunch and then Carolyn came @1:00(audio verbal therapist) then swimming lessons, home by 6:30 and out the door by 7:00 for the Kindergarten evening. I always say when I go out in the evening I pay for it the next day and sure enough we couldn't find Sharleen's ears this morning. (hearing aids) If I would of been home last night I would of realized that I didn't know were they were and started the search. I hate looking for things, that is why everything has a place or I have lots (like shoes, can't find one pair grab the next), looking for things is such a complete waste of time. Any way she could not remember were she put them before swimming lessons. (How could you NOT know were you placed thousands of dollars of electronic equipment?) And just last night at the kindergarten evening I filled out the question sheet with lots of big check marks- yup! she can follow directions ( your ears always get put on mom and dad's dresser or in your elephant case) can remember things-no problems there big check ( she can't even remember were she put something less them 24 hours ago.) Gerard says not to be too hard on her, none of the other kids have to remember were they ears are, to take them out or put them in, get batteries etc. they are on there heads. Today we had a speech appointment at the health unit, so I just apologized to Don, it's kind of hard to teach speech to someone who can't hear the sounds. The house is been taken apart bit be bit as the whole family is looking. The kids even went to bed late. Good thing I finished spring cleaning the whole upstairs, there is not alot of clutter around, makes it easier for looking. So we will be having a bake sale....yeah!! fund raising, I got lots of fresh experience in that.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Family Holiday

We had a little family holiday to Whidby Island. Gerard really wanted to go somewhere for the long weekend and was excited to" show the kids the ocean". Since we bought the business we haven't really been away with just our little (growing) family, so it was extra special. (And for me since I didn't have to pack up all the camping stuff. To clarify that, it was GREAT) Finally a family picture for the church basement photo wall. The picture that is up there right now Sharleen is about six months old, and of course no Danielle at all. (terrible) Our Christmas card pictures the last two years have not been "good enough" for the church wall. (ohh, boy what is good enough1?) One year it was in front of a Christmas tree, and last year we were out on a family evening and plopped down to have a picture taken in all our winter gear, you really couldn't tell who we were, not really the point of a get-to-know-each-other-picture-wall.
We were so blessed with the absolutely beautiful weather.
We did lots of kite flying. There is just the right amount of wind and lots of big open spaces. The kids loved holding on...I think they wanted to fly. " Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest heights..." fly like Mary Poppins. At least that is the song they were singing. Danielle loved playing in the sand, with sticks and rocks. She is at such a cute age, so much fun.

We spent alot of time exploring the Island. This is the wharf in the town of Coupeville. And the Ft. Casey Historical Reserve was very interesting. We had a tour, it's a great way to hear all the little tid bits of info that you just don't learn walking through.
We did lots of playing, making, creating what ever it's called, it was fun.
Flowers for you mom! I was given lots of flowers.I really noticed the just four year age gap between the oldest and Danielle when we were hiking. The older ones almost do the trail two times with all the running and hiding, but with her, she still stops and inspects every ant and picks up all pine cones and yup! wants to be carried. (we forgot the back pack carrier for her, I don't think Gerard will ever forget that again)

Gerard loves pointing out all the amazing things that live in the ocean and the kids are right there with him. The girls telling each other secrets.... Here is a picture of all the "treasures" that were collected on the beach. Timothy loved all the great big pieces of seaweed, and the girls loved the shells. They all fought over the cell phone. We had to "loose" some of the shells, rocks, sea-weed and drift wood that everybody wanted to take home. Our van would never of been able to move with all the "treasures". Eating ice cubes and watching T.V.( hotel ice cubes are just the best) if I would of had room in the van I would of taken the ice making machine with...wait a minute I don't know how I would of declared THAT at the boarder. (notice hubby's head, just one of the kids)lol "Look mom and dad a house made out of big Lincoln Logs"lol.

Monday, May 17, 2010


My youngest sister and her new little "cub". What a beauty!!
Well, Friday evening we had a sisters night (or family night) at Joni L house. What a good time I had! (yup, lots of yummy food and desserts... ooh yea and my mom and sisters. jj) We don't get together alot, not like some families do for every birthday, anniversary etc., my mom didn't even what to have a get together for mothers day, but we are all OK with that. Even if we are late (or forget completely) to phone for each others birthdays...gasp! there is no hard feelings and life continues. We are all busy and understand that. But the thing is I am still really close to all my sisters and care about them and there lives. Well, the wonderful evening came to a end, we had outlasted the "kicked out husband" and our "mama bear" had to get to bed. Can't wait till we can do it again. I was also told very kindly that #&^#@ means a bad word, something I did not know, and that my spelling is still not worthy of a A, but just to let you know I do my little "diary" writing usually after the house is in order, and I am finished helping my husband with paper work etc. so it's after ten and I am tired, hence the spelling mistakes. Yup, I'll just leave it that I am tired. All of you who really know me can have a great, big, jelly, jiggling laugh.

Timothy has been wanting a hockey net for a long, long time. It's been kinda handy since he never wanted to go to "gramma's store" aka Bibles for Missions (my mom volunteered there for years, hence the name change for our family) and now of course wants to go all the time to see if there is a net. That's pretty much the only place were we "splurge" and buy things. But any ways, he doesn't need one any more, he made one!! Now he keeps asking for a brother to play with him. hmmmm, I'll get right on that, or maybe I keep my eye out for one a "gramma's store." lol

Thursday, May 13, 2010

So today Sharleen went for her big hearing appointment, and her hearing is the same . Big,BIG, sigh of relief. Our audiologist first said that she had to put the aids up a bit, so of course my heart stopped there for a second, but she described it as a jar with water and as the jar gets bigger the water goes down, and as her ear gets bigger the decibels have to be increased.(make sense?? doesn't matter, I got it, her hearing is the same that's all the matters) My mom came over for the hour and took care of the other two, so that was nice. At first I was going to see it I could get Timothy to babysit in the waiting room, but it's not really a room, more like a corner of a big open building and who knows were they will end up.
Tomorrow is a speech appointment with Sharleen, and I am taking Danielle. It's grandparents Day at the kids school ( they are SO excited: they even get to go on the stage) so I only have the two of them all day. Then see what we do...I love having open ended days.
It's been a pretty quiet week, the kids have swimming lessons Monday and Wednesday from 5:30 -6:00 which works out really well. I feed them dinner before we go, they have there swimsuits on when we leave (it's nice and warm now so no coats )I leave the dinner dishes on the table and then they have milk and dessert when they come home, and Gerard has already finished his dinner and started on dishes.(really, what's better then that?) Then we read the bible, sing and pray and they are all ready for bed. (they come home in the p.j's from swimming lessons) It works really well. Once I signed them up for swimming lessons I thought it was going to be to crazy to have cake decorating on Tuesday. O' well maybe in the fall...or next year or the year
Niessa started ballerina class on Wednesday since the day was changed, so I just switched Timothy in the class for Niessa. She loves it and caught on to the "moves" pretty quick.
I don't know why I said it was a quiet week...definitely did alot, it just seemed more relaxed, even layed down for some afternoon naps. (I love naps)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Being a MOM, what a privilege, what a calling, so much fun, so much work (I can say that I just had a sick child for two weeks)
A Mother's Prayer
Lord, give me patience when wee hands
Tug at me with small demands
Give me gentle and smiling eyes
Keep my lips from hasty replies.
Let not weariness, confusion or noise
Obscure my vision of life's fleeting joys
So, when in years to come, my house is still
No bitter memories it's room may fill.

Part of being a mom is training my own girls to be mom's. I think they are just designed to be from the beginning. Here is Danielle pushing her "baby" on the swing. Notice the stroller, the purse and shopping bag... I think she's got it all down pat. lol. And here is Niessa "wearing" her baby. I couldn't find the picture of Sharleen "breast feeding" I just love how they take care of there dolls.

This is the mother's day breakfast that was served to me in bed. Yum, Yum, the kids were so proud of themselves. I found it a little hard to wake up at 7:15 and instantly eat breakfast to all my watching little dear ones, but I never let on, so lets just keep it a secret.

It was a wonderful day. We went to friends house for lunch, there were 11 kids 8 and under, but the weather was great and they could play outside. Then after Church we went to Harrison Hot Springs. One of my favourite spots.(we went there for our honey moon) The kids were fascinated with the boiling water, I still am too.( I love these pictures)
Then we did some exploring is some caves a bit off the trail. A cougar had been spotted in the area, so that added to the excitement. We had dinner at the lake, cooked by dad. It really was a wonderful mother's day.

If you have a chance read this link it says "it" so well. Something I just can't seem to express...(yet??)" Dedicated, organized and a woman with purpose"... something to keep getting better at and praying for the strength to do.

Summer is here...

If summer haven't come to your house yet ...your welcome to come to our house. On Saturday the kids had water on the trampoline. How refreshing, although I did hear someone say "how come the water is not warm?"

....we even had sunbathers, starting on the summer (or trying to warm up from the frezzing cold water)

Saturday morning it was out of the house shortly after nine to go work at the shop. The kids had a stand by the road and sold one lattice. Ohhh the excitement!! Gerard is going to have some in the office that will maybe sell. Then in the afternoon it was getting the beans poles up and the bean seeds in the garden. As you can see my spinach, lettuce, green onions and carrots are already coming up. I was so excited to start eating lettuce again I planted really early. (I think I have to get out more...or just to the grocery store to buy some... but it is neat going to your back yard and pick some). Last year I planeted asparagus and am getting a couple coming up. (can I say" how exciting" again?)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's over...the bazzar

The building when I got there at 9:40 A.M.

....except for Kathy L flower stand, all set up. The truck was there at six o'clock. ouch, that's early for unloading flowers.
Last night was the bazaar and auction for JCS school, the school were my children go to. WOW, what a night. I was out the door shortly after nine, dropped off the two oldest girls at a friends and brought a load to the place were we were having the fun, then back to pick up some more big things, weed eater, hockey tree and lattices. (there really was something for everyone) The lattices were a big disappointment as I think only a couple sold, so now I will see if I can sell them a different way. If any of you need one...give me a call. So in the morning it was setting up the tables and labeling everything with the proper number and in the proper order. Sounds less time consuming then it is. If I would do it again next time ( WHAT am I thinking, next time) if would be better to write the numbers on the paper , rather then have to find the items to match the master paper. (makes no sense to any one else, but it might jog my memory for next time) I did have Danielle with me, who still was not back to her happy, healthy self. I always say work is easy, it is tying to do it with kids. She just had to be pushed and carried alot. When she started shaking a bit I knew it was time to go and load up on Tylenol and Advil again. There was tons of items for the silent and live auctions, which was great. We did our job and the rest of the community did too. After a yummy dinner and one game with the kids it was already 6:45 and the auction closed at 7:00 yikes! but I guess alot of people were having the some thing, as most of the papers were still blank. That was a bit of a disappointment...maybe next time (here I go again with the next time) I will make a friendly little sign that says " want deals...garage sailing is tomorrow". But the silent auction went a little longer and things ended up going pretty good. It's funny how you don't really notice these things until you are involved. Some of the gift certificates, if I think of my time in terms of loading up the kids, going there, phoning again, loading up the kids to pick something up ... that only sold for under ten $.... then again I know it is not all about making lots of money as someone said this week, it is also a community (church) event that gets us together doing something fun. Then maybe I'll just do games because then it is not worth my time and energy for a couple bucks. Fund raising can bring lots of questions about the effective use of time ( after all everybody is busy now a days or thinks they are) So after that was putting on receipts what everybody bought, wow the night was just starting for me. It was fast pasted and so many people were impatient coming up asking if we could find out what they bought because they wanted to go or did they end up wining this or that you got to be kidding me, bidding was done by numbers and there were a couple hundred of those, so sorry, don't know. Because the silent auction went longer then expected Gerard was right away off to the live auction, and I had to finish off the silent auction, so the time in between that we were counting on were he would take care of the kids didn't happen. Like I said anything is easy without trying to do it with kids. The oldest three were pretty much on there own all night. At one point Sharllen came glowing up to me and said "I wasted all my tickets can I have more?"(she had SO much fun) In the end it all works out and there is a deep satisfaction in helping out. It was a good group of people to work with ( I did not do near as much as some of the others, but then I never really signed up either. It would of been hard for just the males to of got it all done, I would say it would of been impossible, I guess that's were working together for a common cause comes in) Everybody should do a turn to see what is all involved. And I have also come to realise that you will never have time for helping out, you just have to do it.
Gerard looked great doing his job, writing down for the live auction, what # bought something for how much.( I was going to tell the auctioneer to make sure he didn't auction him off, lol) I am so glad that was him (not me) because he has a really good verbal memory for remembering #. And he even found it very challenging, the auctioneer would say # 187 for $673 and now we have a .... and go to the next thing, and just having all the auction going on ( give me a 678 who has a 678 ...know what I mean) all the numbers are going through your head so it is very easy to question what you thought you heard last. So he found it alot easier to stand at the podium and then get the visual for remembering the bidders # and the verbal for remembering the amount. Another idea might be to have one person remembering amount and another bidders #. He come home with a headache that was soon soothed with his purchase of a surround sound speaker system. It is quite the system! He stayed up late taking it out of the box and looking at everything and telling me what it all is. No, they are not just "speakers" as I thought ... one is called a woofer, another a tweeter etc. The important new knowledge I learn every He is almost 34 and just bought his first brand new speakers. He has talked about it many times over the years and would often point them out in the was just never a necessity. (it still isn't)(although he claims it is when out kids start having there strobe light parties, WHAT!!!, I am putting them in organ lessons lol) but he is VERY happy with his purchase and I don't have to buy him a Christmas or birthday present for, lets see, how many speakers were there... By the way right now we have his opa's speakers and the rest he bought at Value Village about seventeen years ago. (ahh contentment)
This morning the kids had so many stories to tell us, as we were not there to share any of it last night. Here the two of them are going over the new hockey cards that Timothy bought last night. The girls were adorned with tons of plastic rings, plastic beaded necklaces and bracelets. Yup, they had a great time. (I wish I could of been a bit more a part of it.
The last couple days Danielle had been getting worse. Tues I took her to the Doctor, Wed. for a urinalysis and blood work, she did GREAT! She fusses and cries more at dinner the she did getting her blood work done. Did not make a sound. Just calmly watched her blood come out of her arm. I walked in to the lab and it was completely full, standing room only, which gets tiring really fast when your sick babe wants to be held. We had #10 and the # they were helping was 84. And of course there still are no toys because of the swine flu scare , so once I got a chair I got creative with the other two and played eye spy with my little eye for a LONG time, there is not a alot of colour in a waiting room, unless you start counting what everybody else is wearing, and I kinda stayed away from that. Then Thursday I was supposed to babysit Cody V so his mom could go make food for the bazaar, but she decided to take him with which turned out well , since I ended up taking Danielle back to the doctor as she woke up shaking and blue around the lips. (we still have our heat on since I have been so cold, so it's no way that it's hypothermia) I asked them to dipstick her urine since I was sure she had a UTI, and I couldn't wait for Monday for the results. (she had a ton of "accidents" up to three in 45 min. she never even had that many even in the couple days I was actually toilet training her, so I knew something was up.) The Doctor said on Tues that is was probably not a UTI because she would be old enough to tell me it hurts when she pees. But through the next couple days of worrying and thinking, I remembered Sharleen NEVER said it hurt when she peed, she would have a sore lower back, major fevers etc. and she has had a ton of nasty UTI's. So anyway she has a UTI, and is on antibiotics and I think she is getting better. My niece was in the hospital for the last couple of days since she has a UTI, and needed to be on I.V. antibiotics (it had progressed to her kidney's, Mel had a rough couple of days) and my neighbour went to the hospital in an ambulance on Sunday after passing out for over half on hour due to a UTI. (what's in the air right now, careful , don't breathe,lol)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Not enough T.V.??

This is what happenes when kids don't watch enough T.V. ..they build GUNS. He (T) pulls the string and the toilet paper roll flys off and hits the target, my cutting board. There is even a pen taped on that holds the second roll in place. Tomorrow he gets to watch the Doodle Bops all day. (grown men in bight blue and green wigs... I think Gerard is going to go for making guns)
My babe is still sick. The Doctor said it might be a gasteronial(?) infection. She now has a fever too, so I can't go to school to help out tomorrow. It was my last time helping out in Timothy's class for kindergarten, so I really wanted to go one more time.( WOW, the year sure has gone fast! )I tried hard to switch with someone but it was not meant to be. If she is not at least a bit better I will take her in for a urine test and blood test. That is going to be really hard for ME.(but then at lest er can figure out what it is)
The bazaar preparations are well underway. I picked up some more things today(YAH) and one place had not made up the certificate yet, although they said I could come by today**** I just put on a smile although I was thinking I have to come back and another place was just does all take a bit of time and running around. But I think there will be alot of good things for sale and I know I did my best to make it a success (what ever that means...made lots of money, or everybody has a good time, or there was no accidents or in my kids opinion the bouncy castle worked and they got some candy, life is so simple)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

The rain, what alot of rain!. It even hailed today. Gerard said he had hail drifts along side the shop. And is it ever cold, it almost feels colder now then in January.My beautiful baby girl. She loves her mom, especially now that she still is not 100%. I am going to try to get in the Doctor tomorrow. She doesn't have any clothes on because as soon as she gets a teeny, tiny bit wet everything comes off, and I can never convince her that she is not going to melt away or frezze. She is so hard to reason with.

I left visiting our friends early on Friday night because bright and early Saturday morning was the pro-life garage sale.(jj he had to work early but the thought did cross my mind) and I found lots of great finds. I know, I know, I didn't NEED anything but I allow myself to go garage saleing for fundraisers. So I am actually helping out an organization and I get to have fun. This outfit for Sharleen (I got it for Danielle) cost me fifty cents and the tights another 25 or 50 cents. I got some more skirts and shoes and well I spent $25.00 so I got quite a bit of stuff.

On Sunday Gerard stayed home with Danielle so all the kids could take a friend home , since there is more room in the van. Timothy playing race cars and the girls having a tea party, with the real "china" dishes that Aunt Theresa gave Sharleen. Sharllen is playing the piano and they are clapping along and enjoying all the snacks. I don't think the apples got eaten but the candies.....