Thursday, May 13, 2010

So today Sharleen went for her big hearing appointment, and her hearing is the same. Big, BIG, sigh of relief. Our audiologist first said that she had to put the aids up a bit, so of course my heart stopped there for a second, but she described it as a jar with water and as the jar gets bigger the water goes down, and as her ear gets bigger the decibels have to be increased. (make sense?? doesn't matter, I got it, her hearing is the same that's all that matters) My mom came over for the hour and took care of the other two, so that was nice. At first, I was going to see if I could get Timothy to babysit in the waiting room, but it's not really a room, more like a corner of a big open building, and who knows where they will end up.
Tomorrow is a speech appointment with Sharleen, and I am taking Danielle. It's Grandparents Day at the kid's school ( they are SO excited: they even get to go on the stage) so I only have the two of them all day. Then see what we do...I love having open-ended days.
It's been a pretty quiet week, the kids have swimming lessons Monday and Wednesday from 5:30 -6:00 which works out really well. I feed them dinner before we go, and they have their swimsuits on when we leave (it's nice and warm now so no coats )I leave the dinner dishes on the table and then they have milk and dessert when they come home, and Gerard has already finished his dinner and started on dishes.(really, what's better than that?) Then we read the bible, sing, and pray and they are all ready for bed. (they come home in the p.js from swimming lessons) It works really well. Once I signed them up for swimming lessons I thought it was going to be too crazy to have cake decorating on Tuesday. O' well maybe in the fall...or next year or the year after. lol.
Niessa started the ballerina class on Wednesday since the day was changed, so I just switched Timothy to the class for Niessa. She loves it and caught on to the "moves" pretty quick.
I don't know why I said it was a quiet week...definitely did a lot, it just seemed more relaxed, even lay down for some afternoon naps. (I love naps)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Sharleen's hearing is the same. Wow 10 minute swimming lesson that must be intense :) See you tomorrow.
