Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Home School

So I have been seriously considering home schooling, for quite some time now. Every day I think about whether I could do it, and would it be the right choice for our family. I read a blog from a woman who has many more children then me (15) and home schools AND still has a neat house. I am sure I could do it! Tons and tons of people teach there kids at home and have huge families and don't go crazy, why would I? There are many things that are so appealing to me.

But then it's time to get out of bed... (did I have you really wondering? lol ) and I just think that by this time next week the kids will be well on there way to school and this week I am still laying in my nice, cozy bed, being lazy, well I am growing a baby. (hehe that's my excuse). So every morning before 8:00 (that's the latest I stay in bed) I think about homeschooling and how I could stay in bed late, every day, but then the day starts and then I realize that's it's a good thing school it starting soon.

Sharleen is 5!!!

Sharleen turned 5 !!! Five already and going to school...I am not ready for that. Last year I was quite happy to send the twins off but her...I keep telling her that mommy is going to keep her home, but she just smiles and shakes her head.

The cake she wanted. Gerard and I made it together after we came home from the P.N.E. He wanted to make sure his name was "in the credits". Look at those flowers...he made those. Pretty impressive. (he started while I was cleaning out the van so the cake was already partially decorated before I realized that he had not covered the cookie sheet with tin foil...o'well I don't think Sharleen cared.)
The weather was nice, so the long anticipated water balloons come out. Tons of fun for the kids, it's just over so fast. (we even had a cooler full of water balloons)
Dressing up... and eating...all part of the fun.
Happy Birthday Sharleen!!! I hope and pray God blesses you with many years.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


On Saturday we had a family day and went to the P.N.E. What a treat...Gerard could drive and I could take a nap and attend to the kids. It has felt like I have driven Hy.1 alot this summer.

Danielle loves animals. When we walked into the animal area she would of jumped out of her stroller if it wasn't for the fact that she was buckled in. All of the kids love animals, but she tops it off.

She would of climbed right over the fence if I would of let her. Here she is standing already lower then when I "caught" her. These animals were "called" cows, but I grew up on a cow farm around lots of cows and beside the fact that they don't have the black spots (yes, I know there are many different kind of cows) but these cows were HUDGE, the biggest cows I have ever seen. They were from Alder Acers so some might of seen them there, I had never been so I was amazed at how BIG they were. One would of filled two freezers with meat.
There is so much to see, way to much to do in just one day. It is a great place to go, because once you get in to see a show it's sit down time and the kids all have a place and can't get lost. Very relaxing, (I even had a nap during the dog show, I am pregnant, I can sleep ANYWHERE) But after all the shows the kids just had to do something not sitting down. The can display was the perfect thing. They all helped out and Daddy got right in there too.
Posing for a picture when I thought they were done... but they kept on going... and going. What a good family project.
now it wasn't this...
or this, but hey, we had alot of fun!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Local Celebrity

Yesterday we had a little celebrity come and visit us, at least to our family. She is the newest cousin in our family and gets showered in love.
Smiles all around. It is hard to keep all the turns fair as too who gets too hold her and the length of time.

They are all so excited to have this baby come, and will be such good little helpers.
The girls just think of her as a little live doll, sooo much more fun then there play dolls. I don't think Jamiee was thrilled about being put in the doll crib for her nap. The best thing about having my sister visit is I can still get some things done that needed doing.(without feeling guilty) I had received some figs from a neighbour and it was more then I could eat fresh so I tried making Strawberry/Fig jam for the first time. Yum Yum!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Inconclusive Results

About this whole baby thing...

Niessa wants twins
Timothy wants a boy
Sharleen really wants a girl and...
Daddy wants a puppy (he totally did the wrong thing to make THAT happen)

and me, I just thought that this time around it would be "fun" or just really practical to know what I was having. After all it is baby # 5, lets do it different, and know ahead of time. Gerard didn't think it was necessary, and I just left it at that. So last week was the big anticipated day and it was off early to Langley with a van full of kids to find out. (I was going to drop them off at a friends while I had the ultrasound) but the highway was CLOSED, yup completely closed, everyone had to get off at the exit. I made a quick phone call to the ultrasound place and they said even if I was a bit late that was OK and just to keep on coming. As we headed on toward Yarrow at a leisurely pace of about 5 KM, I realized we were not going to be a bit late, we were going to be VERY late, and made the decision to cancel the appointment, which was so disappointing for all of us. The kids wanted to play with there friends again and I had gotten everyone ready on the road for nothing. The appointment got re booked for September, but then I was phoned a couple days later to fill in for a cancellation. So see if I could find a babysitter and change other plans and off we went to Langley. I am getting tired of driving the highway #1 and was really thinking that it was not worth all the extra work, but I was "in this far" and I did really want to know if I was having a boy baby or a girl baby. SO this week I was trying to get a Doctor appointment for Danielle and also booked one for me for after 21 weeks b/c that's when the Doctor gets the results. Then a bit later the receptionist phones back and tells me she can tell what the results were...great fire away, she is kina humming as she must be scanning the report and says the results are INCONCLUSIVE. How can that be possible? I could of explained to the ultrasound technician on the differences of what to look for...all that work for nothing. Gerard had one good laugh, because it wasn't really necessary to know anyway.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

CT Scan

Life seems to be ticking by right now at an incredible pace, and I can't even keep up with this new thing called blogging, so every now and then, and this is a then time I just have to skip a piece of life and start on what is happening now. So today Monday it was off to Children's Hospital to get a CT scan on Sharleen. Her Specialist (and us) are hoping it will give us a few more answers to some questions. She did AMAZING...when they phoned for the initial appointment they asked if she thought she would need sedation, so of course I want to try it without, and the lady said they are allowed one go at trying and then it would be re booked with sedation. So it was all or nothing Monday. I have learned that what works for her (with getting new ear molds and testing) is she can NOT have a stressed out momma. If I have a crazy morning trying to get everyone out of the house to a babysitter and everything is rushed and tensed, things do not go well. It is getting better over the last two years as she get older, but it's up to me to be super on top of things and not get tensed, and to try to laugh alot. She loves to laugh. So after playing eye spy in the waiting room I was explaining as best I could what was going to happen ( I really didn't now too much either), and what she had to do, which was to lie real still and if she did a great job then maybe I would buy her something. She said she would want a DOG, what!!! that's way to much work right now,(for me) and then it was time to go in, so we never did carry on THAT conversation.

It was not totally smooth sailing, once they had me all decked out in lead covering ( she said they prefer not to have pregnant people in the room, and I never even thought about that when they phoned for the appointment) it was hands on to the chair for dear life and not letting go. But the lady started showing her with a teddy bear what was going to happen and she wanted to go see, and then couldn't wait to jump on to the bed. We did have to do it twice since she moved a little, and then it was all done. She was glad to get her "treat" when it was all done.
This is the princess wand that she picked out of the goody basket at the hospital, for doing such a good job.
The drive there was OK, it was still stop and go for a bit and even though I left with plenty of time I was walking in the door at 1:00 and they had asked me to be fifteen min early, so I guess I was a still a bit late. But anyway on the long drive there I was thinking how great it is that I don't even have to worry about how much money a CT scan costs. It is not a decision that has to be made as to whether we would spend the money on it or not. I remember when Timothy was born and the pediatrician was presenting us with the different options as to what to do, money was never was a factor, ( leave him is Chilliwack even though they did not have the staffing or right equipment, but then we could all stay in hospital together, or leave Niessa in Chilliwack and transfer him to a level 3 care nursery but then they are on opposite sides of the valley, and that makes nursing really tough (ummm impossible together) and that was something that was really important to me, and Niessa could not be admitted to another hospital b/c she did not need a intensive care ward and could not admitted to a regular ward b/c I did have her in that hospital) so it is really great that here in Canada when health care is needed it is covered.. Yes, It does have major flaws and is miss used, but today I was incredibly thankful that so much is covered.
It also made me think of a little conversation that happened while we were camping. Someone was mentioning all the good deals she got down the states and how she had to buy another block of cheese up here that cost soooo much, and I very kindly said that she should get her health care down there too. (gulp) life is a bigger then what is just always the cheapest for us. Then that can start another whole long conversation that I had with an American while I was down for my brother in laws wedding. " Is health care a right or a privilege?" I still am not quite sure on my answer. It is easy to think we demand or deserve this or that but reality is that someone has to pay for it, and even though it would be nice if it would all (health care etc.)be paid for by "someone else" it is still a responsibility to do our part in funding the benefits that are used by all. (or you just never know). Alot of the health care that I am so thank full to be on the receiving end of, I would never of thought I would of needed.

Friends Camping 2010

So a group of us started camping together many, many years ago together, about nine years. It had been alot of fun especially for the kids as they remember all there friends from year to year and have an absolutely marvelous time together.

This is all the kids, yup we kinda take over our portion of the camp ground. It's 20 1/2 kids under the age of nine. (people ask us if we really consider this fun. lol)

This was a really "productive" year for our group 2008...we all had a baby. Danielle's mouth is in the permanent cheese position, when ever the camera comes out, I guess it's been an bit too much lately of the "say Cheese"

The kids "playing" go fish together. I don't think most of them really got the game, but it kept them together, sitting down for a bit.

The boys love fishing. They even caught a pretty big one. (It was already dead.lol)

Playing altogether in the sand.
Cool Dudes. All these girls with in seventeen months. Here they are all sporting the some hair doo. What is camping going to be like in another eight years. yikes!!! tons of teenagers Gerard had to work everyday, full days, except one afternoon he was up by 12:30 so I was holding the fort on my own and got the kids to help out. Sharleen was a great help and liked doing the dishes. The newest baby in our group, getting a little extra loving. Yup, these are the shoes my son was wearing. I think he wore them right out.(you think?) I had just bought them brand new in May...he is hard on things. I think it is the braking from the scooter jumping he had started. Today he told me some some new name for the jumps...the boys down the street told him he doesn't do jumps he does what ever the new name was. (I can't remember)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Missed the Boat!!!

So my "hard working" husband left early Saturday morning to go out on the wild, wet ocean in search of supplying food for our family. Who am I kidding...he went on his yearly fishing trip out to somewhere up the coast to do something he loves fishing, and eating delicious prepared meals. (nope I can't compete) No big deal, I think in some way it is good for him to have some kind of hobby, and I am glad that it is one that brings home lots of yummy fish.
BUT here is the story, he was supposed to be home early(ier) tonight to help me finish up the packing and load the trailer (no not A trailer, the historic tent trailer we bought and turned into a utility trailer, a very good investment) So I phoned him and they had missed there reservation on the ferry.
NOW here is the question, how do grown adults miss a boat?? He said cleaning the cabins took bit longer...really!! there ALL MEN how clean could they have left them? OK, ...even then you notice time ticking by you pick up the pace. Then there was no children to break up fights, or that have to got the bathroom ALL the time, and no nursing babies (the ultimate get late thing to do) not that any of them even have the "equipment" to do that job. How in the world could a bunch of people who all run businesses miss a boat?? and the the next one too. (he said only by five cars...missing by one is missing the boat) And the thing is last year they had to drive like crazy to get to the ferry too. Don't they learn??
Now I know it is not my husbands fault because he HATES being late, and wouldn't of liked to miss the boat. Now he is coming home super late...I will be asleep....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Mingle and Play 2010

The B.C. Family Hearing Resource Center had there annual Mingle and Play this week. It was from Tuesday to Friday, but by the time Friday came I was too tired..so we only made it there for three days. That was enough driving with a van full of children for me. It was tons of fun for the kids and always good to talk to other parents. It is quite something to see all these kids with hearing aids and cochlear implants together. If God takes us down the path with a continual decrease in hearing loss resulting in a need for cochlear implants in doesn't seem so scary to me anymore.
We had a very fun visitor one day, Ronald McDonald. Here the kids are all counting as it was Ronald's turn to go hide. The black and white tunnel was were he was hiding. Lots of laughs.
I think this is such a neat picture, notice the little guy turning around peeking from behind his hands. Danielle loved the liquid paints. (I only have the kind were water is added as I think they are alot less messy) Every day the girls went right away to the crafts, there favourite section and sometimes even made more then one. Timothy did not make a single craft, he didn't even go in that area at all, absolutely no interest in the crafts. (boys) It was great there was some young girls volunteering, so they could explain to the girls what to do and help them. (I didn't have to be there the whole time)
There was alot of things for Danielle to do, perfect for her age. Timothy always had to be doing something. Here is blowing up all the blow up toys. There was probably about thirty blocks that all stuck together that he spent alot of time blowing up the one day with his mouth and a hand pump and then the next day they were all deflated. Someone had taken all the air out! That took all the air out of him too, he was so disappointed and didn't even try to blow it all up again.

Danielle making another master piece.

The "Bug" man came one day, which is a total hit with all the kids and adults(??). This is Carylon, someone who has become a big part of out life over the last couple of years since Sharleen was diagnosed, but now that she is going to school we won't be seeing her any more.(waaa) It will seem really strange at first, who is going to answer my continual questions now? I know that life always works out. Timothy holding the snake. He said later he wanted it around his neck but was too scared to ask. Not my thing that's for sure. Although I did have one around my neck when I was in Thailand, guess I am getting old. Sharleen and Niessa with the wood bug on them. At first neither of them wanted to go up, but I am so glad they did because you can see from the pictures they are glad they did too.(big smiles) Notice is the the background the teacher is signing. Everything the bug man (or any of the visitors) said would be signed. I should of picked it up, think of the extra calories I would burn in a day. lol. Girls doing more crafts.
One thing I thought alot about with my experiences that I had at the center this week,was how we are all shaped by different perspectives. Last year there was some really neat tricycles that Timothy absolutely loved and was really disappointed that they were not allowed out this year, since the organizers were worried about sharing issues and safety. I thought sharing and taking turns is a part of life and they are tricycles not moter bikes, but of course I didn't say anything to them and told Timothy to basically "suck it up" and find something else to do. But then for lunch they served peanut and butter and jam sandwiches. I was told before lunch that they would first make all the other sandwiches and then the P&J and they would be on a separate table from all the other food. At that point if I wasn't good with it I could of taken the kids and left and had lunch some were on the way home. But that is not always easy either. I try to stay calm and not let it consume my thoughts and actions but it was quite the lunch. I made sure I stayed close to Danielle and that she only ate off her plate and not touched any one else's food. ( kid's hands are just everywhere) Sharleen of course wanted to have P&J so why not, but I told her to wash her hands right away and not to kiss Danielle. But then you mind goes crazy and what about all the toys, there was over forty kids so that's alot of sticky hands touching things. It's tough, I really don't want to live in a "bubble" and she has to learn not to eat anything with peanuts and to ask if the food is OK for her to eat, something that I have been kinda trying to do but she just looks at me totally confused. Since I don't serve peanut butter to the rest of my kids it's hard to teach her that she can't have any and that it might well, kill her. How in the world do you teach THAT to a two year old?? But any way back to the different perspectives, I would much rather have my child bumped, pushed over and even bleeding from the tricycles then have to deal with her having a anapilastic (not spelt right) reaction and dash off the ER. What feels safe for one adult (me with the bikes)is not for another and vise versea.(serving peanut butter at lunch.) They knew I was coming and I told them I had a child with sevre peanut allergies, but I left it at that, I would hate to ask them not to serve what they wanted. Is it OK for the safety of one child to ask that in a social setting (church nursery, school etc. )that everything be peanut free? What about a egg or another kind of allergy...I hate the thought of being an inconvenience to someone.