Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sports Day 2010

Our family's first sports Day, and what a fun beautiful day it was. My kids were a little disappointed as they didn't get to find out what place they were in anything, but it's not the way it's done in kindergarten. Timothy had been really sick since Sat. evening but did not want to stay home for sports day. (of course) I felt really bad for him because he had been looking forward to it for a long time. Even wanted to practice running with me after dinner. Or get to go to bed later...who knows. But with lots of drugs, he managed to get through most of the day. They were so excited that Auntie Joni, well actually that Jamiee could come out and watch them. Later on, Niessa mentioned many times her soft really cuby legs. (baby Jamiee's that is.lol) She sure loves babies.

Ready set go...
Once Sharleen's Tylenol and Advil kicked in she was off to play with her friends the rest of the day. She had a lot of fun too. At least I can see my kids aren't the only ones that ditch the shoes. When I stayed in Thailand that was one of the ultimate bad things to do in not taking care of a child...let them play outside without shoes on. I guess it was such a visible sign of poverty or neglect, I am not really sure, but one NEVER wore shoes in a house (not even to quickly get something) and ALWAYS wore shoes outside. Another thing that was considered really bad manners was to walk over someone's feet. For example, if I was sitting on the floor with my legs out a Thai would never walk over my feet, would wait till I clued in that she would like to get by, or motion for me to move my legs/feet. Here we would not even think twice about stepping over someone. Or maybe even on them. lol. So in Thailand, I would not be a very good mom, with my bare-feet children. Who knows, maybe even here. I was at the park with the kids a couple weeks ago with all my barefooted children and one of the moms would not let her child go barefoot.

1 comment:

  1. hey at least you weren't the only parent..Hillarie is barefooted too! (-:
