Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bake Day

Hip Hip Hooray!!! I've got lots of baking in my house (today...let's see how long it lasts). Today two of my sisters (and their children) came over to bake together. I must admit when I was trying to organize what to bake and especially when I went grocery shopping I thought what am I getting into. Last week while grocery shopping Danielle sang songs loudly for the whole grocery store and gave pretty smiles to everyone...this week she was a total grump and continually fought and fussed, so it made it really difficult for me to concentrate on what I all needed to buy for the big bake day. Hence, while I shopping I thought "never again". (sorry sisters) Then when I was in the checkout I was chatting to the cashier about my sisters coming over and we were going to actually be productive and bake...she changed my perspective, by saying what a good thing to do together, people just don't do stuff like that anymore, family is so important, I changed my opinion, although I still hate grocery shopping with grumpy kids, thankfully it doesn't happen often.
My youngest sister Joni and her baby, taking a break at the end, on my then-clean counters.
The girls were the princesses for the day...while the moms were the servants all day in the kitchen. None of us were dressed up, that's for sure.
" look Jamiee, it's real sparkles"
And the two best parts: spending time with my sisters and feeding the goods to my family. The kids walked in the door and said "It smells really good in here mom, can we have something to eat" They of course wanted to try one of everything, but that was a bit much so they each got to pick three things which made them quite happy, and of course told me what would be real good in their lunch for tomorrow, and what a good cook I am and this and that is just the best. Sigh!! who wants to come over and make my house and kitchen a mess next week by baking, it's all so worth it in the end.


  1. thanks again for doing the shopping Chris! You planned all yummy baking! And yes, it was soo worth it! The comments from the kids almost made me cry...they are so sweet! Hope Jaimee says that one day:)

  2. So fun to do stuff like that together! Looks good! :)
