Saturday, December 11, 2010


So we out for the night and left in kids in the very capable hands of some babysitters, and this is what we came home to. Gerard and I had a good laugh. I knew she was a pain as I had got "the call" that she wasn't going to bed. (they didn't want to move her as she might wake up) She is our spoiled one, no doubt about that. Ever since camping this summer she likes to have one of us lay down with her to fall asleep, and I keep thinking enough of this, it's going to end this week. But every week Gerard is out/busy every night and I don't have the energy to put her back to bed tons of times so I let her stay up and play, b/c after all it is kinda my "fault" as I often let her nap too long or rather I have a nap and she falls asleep on the couch too and the before you know it, wake up time should of been awhile ago.(funny how that happens) Then at bedtime the older ones have to get to sleep on time and they get upset if the "baby" is getting in trouble and she's so little she shouldn't get any discipline so I have been letting them fall asleep before dealing with her....ohh the dynamics around here some days.
So after this, we talked about really not letting her nap all afternoon b/c then she falls asleep by herself no problem, and working on even if she is not tired she has to stay in bed. I thought we were totally on the same page...Gerard was putting her to bed and then there was the pitter-patter of her little feet on the floor so he brought her up and then there was crying and wailing "I don't want to sleep" and I thought good he can deal with this for once, we are thinking alike...then it's quiet and time goes on and it's been quiet for a loooong time... ....and this is what I find. We are not on the same page at all. Not one little bit! She has got him hook, line, and sinker.
But I absolutely love this picture of them sleeping together.